We all like out hot drinks hot and our cold drinks cold. If we drink quickly it is no problem. However, if we wait for awhile the desired temperature is gone. Have you ever had the experience of pouring a cup of hot chocolate after coming inside on a cold day? You take a few sips, but it's too hot. Then you put it down and forget about it for awhile. When you remember your drink, it has cooled off so much it is no longer a hot drink.
You probably have noticed a variety of drink cups in the supermarket. There are paper and Styrofoam hot cups, as well as paper and plastic cold cups. Which one does the best job of keeping your drinks at just the right temperatures for the longest time? How can we find out?
Think about your experiences with various kinds of cups. Which would you choose as the best cup? On what basis would you make your choice? In your group discuss and make a list about your ideas about what variables might affect how long drinks stay hot or cold. Be prepared to discuss your ideas with the class.
Today you will test one of the variables that you identified. In your group write out the procedure you would follow if you wanted to know whether the material of the cup affected how long water stayed hot or cold. You will be able to use a temperature probe that is connected your computer to help in your investigation.
Go to the "Investigating the Question" after you have had a chance to discuss the procedure with the class.