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Coin Tossing Analysis

Answer the following questions on paper:

  1. How does your experimental probability for tossing a head or tail in ten tosses compare with the expected probability? How does it compare with your prediction? If the expected, predicted, and experimental results are different, try to explain what might account for these differences.

  2. How does your experimental data for ten tosses compare with the simulated (from Winning Streak) data. Discuss with your class the range of differences between heads and tails. Do you think the simulated coin flipping is a fair simulation of real coin tossing? Why do you think so?

  3. What do think would happen to the probability percentages if we tossed the coin 100 times? What would happen if we tossed the coin 500 times? Explain your reasoning.

  4. Look at your three pie charts. How do the probabilities for head or tails change as the number of trials increases?

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