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Moving Magnets Analysis

Answer the following questions on paper:

  1. How did the voltage change when the direction of the magnet was changed? Explain your reasoning.

  2. How did your prediction about the change in voltage compare to the voltage shown on the multimeter after testing the ten and twenty wrap coils?

  3. Reread the ideas your wrote down about the how the voltage would change with an increase in wraps of a coil in "Thinking About the Question". Think about the data you have gathered. Does this data support your original idea or does it suggest to you a different explanation? Revise your original explanation. Include evidence from Investigation I and II in your revised explanation.

  4. How did your prediction about the change in voltage compare to the voltage shown on the multimeter after testing the ten and thirty wrap coils?

  5. Reread the ideas your wrote down about the how the voltage would change with an increase in wraps of a coil in "Thinking About the Question". Reflect on the data you have gathered. Does this data support your original idea or does it suggest to you a different explanation? Revise your original explanation. Include evidence from Investigation I, II, and III in your revised explanation.

  6. Create a x-y line graph for the highest positive voltages for each coil constructed. Refer to Technical Hints to see how to make a bar chart. Describe the differences in voltages.

  7. Make a general statement about the relationship between magnetism and electricity.

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