With your partner use the draw program on your computer to create a distance-time graph that shows your prediction for a graph that represents each of the following motions. Refer to
Technical Hints on how to use the draw program.
Draw a graph that shows someone walking toward the CCSR and back. Why did you draw the graph this way?
Draw a graph that shows someone walking quickly toward the sonar ranger for the first half of the track and then slowly for the second half. Why did you draw this way?
Draw a graph that shows someone walking toward the CCSR for 20 seconds, stopping for 20 seconds, and continuing toward the CCSR for another 20 seconds. Why did you draw this way?
Draw a graph that shows someone starting to walk toward the CCSR halfway down the track instead of at the beginning. Why did you draw this way?
On your own, answer questions 1-4 in the Analysis section.
When you are done discuss your answers with your partner. Be ready to share your answers to the predictions and the answers to the questions with the class.