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Making Waves Analysis

Using your graph print outs, answer the following questions on paper:

  1. On each print out, describe clearly the motions needed to make each type of wave:

  • curved wave
  • square wave
  • triangular wave
  1. On each print out label the parts of a wave that shows the sonar ranger moving toward "T" the target and away "A" from the target.

  2. On each print out label the part that shows when the sonar ranger was closest "C"to the target and furthest "F" from the target.

  3. On each print out count the number of waves that you made in sixty seconds. Which motions included the greatest number of waves? (Scientists call the number of waves that occur in one second the frequency. The graph that showed the greatest number of waves in one minute had the highest frequency.)

  4. On the back of one of the graph print outs make a list of similarities and differences among the graphs for the curved, square, and triangular waves.

  5. Which was the hardest to reproduce? Why?

  6. Can you identify an object in the real world that experiences these types of motions?

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