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Daily Log Analysis

Using the data on your spreadsheet, answer the following questions on paper:

  1. How many different activities are you involved in a day? Which takes the smallest amount of time? Which involves the largest use of time?

  2. Talk with your partners and compare the types of activities and the amount of time that you spend on each. If you share activities (e.g., sports, sleep, studying, etc.), calculate the median (average) time value for each shared activity in your group. Did you spend more or less time than the average?

After you calculate percentages answer these questions:

  1. How do the percentages relate to the activities that you spend the smallest and largest amount of time on during a day? Compare your percentages to those of your partners.

Refer to Technical Hints on how to create a pie chart and display percentages. After creating a pie (or circle) chart, answer the following:

  1. Compare pie charts with your partners. Do you and your partners have similar routines? Based on time (the slice of the pie), what activity do all of the members of your group spend the most time on?

  2. With the pie charts in front of you write a paragraph that summarizes your findings about the similarities and differences in how the students in your group spend their time.

  3. How does your chart compare to the SkyLab pie chart?

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