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Hot and Cold Cups Analysis

Answer the following questions on paper:

  1. Write a paragraph to explain how the temperature of the cold water changed in your cup? Make sure to include important information such as the change in temperature, the starting and ending temperature, and the range of your temperature data.

  2. Observe the graph of the all of the types of cups. Write a paragraph comparing the differences in how the cold water changed temperatures in different kinds of cups.

  3. Write a paragraph to explain how the temperature of the warm water changed in your cup? Make sure to include important information such as the change in temperature, the starting and ending temperature, and the range of your temperature data.

  4. Oberve the graph of the all of the types of cups. Write a paragraph comparing how the warm water changed temperatures in different kinds of cups.

  5. Which kind of cup did the best job of keeping hot water hot and cold water cold? Explain your reasons.

  6. How did your test results compare to your prediction when your cup stayed out all night? How did the temperatures from the other groups compare to yours?

  7. Are there any variables other than the kind of cup that may have affected the outcome of your experiment? For example, did the location of your cup overnight affect the temperature in the morning?

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