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Decaying Batteries Analysis

Answer the following questions on paper:

  1. You have collected voltage data and made observations of one kind of cell in a circuit over a 30-minute period. Look at all the data that you have collected. Write a paragraph about what information the data gives you about what happen over the 30-minute period. Be sure to include in your description, information such as:

    • the beginning and final voltage readings

    • the range of the voltage data

    • the patterns in the data

  2. You now have data from each type of cell on a graph. Compare the change in voltage for each type of cell? Write a paragraph about your observations. Include both description in words (one type decreased more or faster than another) and numerical description (one decreased by 0.8 volts while another decreased by 0.2 volts).

  3. Now think about the data you collected about the size of cells in battery-powered electric devices. Write a paragraph describing your ideas about why devices that use the same number of 1.5-volt cells need different size batteries.

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