Work with your partner(s) to explain in a paragraph the motion needed to reproduce the graph that represents movement at the same speed. Present your description to the class.
What would the graph look like if you were moving at a faster but steady speed?
Work with your partner(s) to explain in a paragraph on paper the motion needed to reproduce the graph that represents movement at the same speed but in opposite. Present your description to the class.
Are you accelerating if you change directions?
Work with your partner(s) to explain in a paragraph on paper the motion needed to reproduce the graph that represents movement at a changing speed. Present your description to the class.
Are you accelerating if you are increasing or decreasing speed?
Work within your groups to label the sonar ranger print outs for:
Where were you standing still "S"?
Where were you moving backward "B"?
Where were you moving forward "F"?
Where were you accelerating "A"?