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Moving Magnets Investigation II

Testing a twenty wrap coil

  1. Wrap wire with stripped ends around the wood block to create twenty large, square coils. Cut and remove the coil from the block.

  2. Use the masking tape to keep the coil together. Strip the ends of the coil. Place the block inside the coil so that the coil stands up.

  3. Using your spreadsheet program, make a chart to record the highest positive voltage of this coil. Refer to Technical Hints to see how to make a spreadsheet.

  4. After the multimeter is connected to the ends of the wire coil with masking tape, move the magnet through the coil as shown. Record the voltage. Refer to Technical Hints to see how to use the CC DMM (digital multimeter).

  5. While the CC DMM (digital multimeter) is still running reverse the direction of the magnet.

  6. Go to Questions 2 and 3 in "Analysis".

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